
Naturschule und Naturerlebnisraum

Welcome to the woods!

SacraSilva means "sacred forest". SacraSilva is a wilderness school and a nature experience space. 

This is all about the forest - and about you. Do you come along with me to the outdoors?

From indoors to outdoors

From outside to inside

About roots and fairy tales

Sleeping below heaven's tent in the comfort of a group, orientation with map and compass (for women or compact for everybody), a variety of outdoor skills and the right gear.

With this knowledge and skills you become independent when hiking or trekking in nature.

You are living a demanding life - in your job or personal space? You are longing for quiet, relaxation and recuperation? 

Tree time  and deep nature connection are providing deceleration and reconnection.

We venture into past times and into the life and wheel of the year of our ancestors. Then we are bridging times and relate things back into our own culture. Fairy tales and small nature rituals are our companions.

Forest bathing and nature time by SacraSilva, nature school / wilderness school in the Palatinate Forest (Pfälzerwald), Dahner Felsenland 

- Burnoutprävention / Burnout Prävention / Burnout Prophylaxe -

The area of Dahner Felsenland is a part of the Palatinate Forest (Pfälzerwald). It is lifting souls with its sandstone rocks. This is the place where I welcome you to most of the classes of my nature / wilderness school.  Take your time and enjoy the forest bathing. 

Nature walks and nature meditations create an ideal environment against stress and to prevent burnout. 

I am very happy about your interest. Please don't hesitate to contact me, I am looking forward to telling you more about it.

External Foto Sources: 

Alte Eiche mit weit ausladenden Ästen im Naturschutzgebiet "Urwald Sababurg" bei Kassel. Author: Michael Fiegle. Eigenes Werk. Aufnahmedatum 24.06.2006. GNU-License for free documentation

Baumgeist, Frank Jungblut,